Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Everything there is to know about CLSS

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Housing for all, is an initiative launched by the Government of India wherein, affordable housing will be provided to the urban poor of the country. The scheme itself has various components of which, the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme is the most popular. Under this scheme, beneficiaries can avail a subsidy on the interest component of a home loan of up to Rs.2.67 lakh.

However, before you get too excited, there are a few things that you need to consider first. For instance, the scheme is directed primarily towards the people belonging to the Lower Income Groups (LIG), Middle Income Groups (MIG), and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).

Furthermore, there are three prerequisites that have to be fulfilled before you commence your application to avail the benefits of the CLSS. They are:
  1. You or your family should not own an all-weather house in any part of the country.
  2. You or your family should not have taken assistance from the Central Government for any housing scheme or applied for the benefits under the PMAY.
  3. In case you are married, you and your spouse will be eligible for a single subsidy, irrespective of the ownership status of the house.
After fulfilling these three conditions, the next thing that you need to consider is the income criteria. The maximum interest subsidy that can be availed depends on the annual income of the applicant and the category to which they belong.
  • The cap on annual income for those belonging to the EWS and LIG is Rs.6 lakh.
  • For the MIG 1 category, the maximum household income should not be more than Rs.12 lakh.
  • For the MIG 2 category, the maximum household income should not exceed Rs.18 lakh.

In addition to these, factors like maximum loan amount, maximum carpet area, et cetera, are also taken into consideration when it comes to Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme. This has been explained in the table mentioned below:

Maximum Carpet Area (in Square Metres)
Interest Subsidy (%)
Maximum Loan Amount Considered for Subsidy Calculation, in Rupees
Maximum Subsidy, in Rupees
60 sq. mt.
Rs.6 lakh
Rs.2.67 lakh
120 sq. mt.
Rs.9 lakh
Rs.2.35 lakh
150 sq. mt.
Rs.12 lakh
Rs.2.30 lakh

Under the scheme, all the Statutory Towns are covered as per the 2011 Census, along with subsequently notified towns. Regardless of where you live in India, you will be able to avail the benefits of the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme, provided you meet the aforementioned criteria.

The home loan under the CLSS can be taken for any housing purpose - purchase, construction or enhancement of an existing house. The interest subsidy is calculated only on the maximum home loan amount mentioned for the specific categories and is valid for the duration of your entire tenure. For any home loan taken beyond the specified limits, non-subsidised interest rates will be levied.

More details about the PMAY and the CLSS can be found on the official website of the scheme.

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